Doug Losing Weight

I heard myself say this
April 20, 2010, 4:36 pm
Filed under: Thoughts and Observations | Tags: , , , ,

Talking with a friend:

“I think it comes down to the fact I like eating more than losing weight”.

Houston, we have a problem.

Feeling Thin
April 8, 2010, 10:33 am
Filed under: Inspiration, Thoughts and Observations | Tags: , ,

How do I describe it?  I just feel smaller.  Nobody can see it, but I’m sure that will come too.

It’s Really Helped
March 26, 2010, 4:43 pm
Filed under: Inspiration, Nutrition | Tags: , , , , , , ,

My thinking continues along the line of fear vs. faith, and my body vs. my mind.

I spent 12 years in school, barely graduated (that’s a story for another time for sure!) and went into the world.  I had spent 12 years teaching my brain to get into the mode of learning.  Every morning, sit in the desk, consume knowledge in some fashion – learn part of it.

Then I got a job, went on a mission for my church, came back and became a truck driver.  One day I was sitting in my truck waiting to be loaded and it hit me.  I really really wanted to learn again.

Fast forward to 7 months later and I’m sitting on my first day at the University of Utah in a Chemistry class with 100 or so classmates… excited to learn.

It didn’t take me long to realize that I was out of shape in the learning department.  I had let my mind “coast” for 7 years – not being in a formal learning environment that whole time.  (I have to say that I’ve always loved learning, and did not spend that 7 years simply reading comic books and watching Brady Bunch reruns).  It took a few weeks to come up to speed on the learning, the new work load, the rigors of full-time college.

My brain had just coasted.  I needed to teach it the good habits again.

Now I think about my body.  For the first 25 – 30 years of my life I ate, I played, I slept enough or more, I had a rhythm of exercise and activity.  Then I learned how to express my creativity through a computer.

My body just started coasting.  Now it’s 17 years later and I’m trying to whip my body into shape, get it used to the rigors of losing weight.  A decade longer than my brain had to slump into it’s ways earlier in life.  No wonder this is hard!

So when I see the cookies, I’m going to try picturing the battle between my body and my brain – realize that my body has habits that are so ingrained in me that I just feel instead of think it through.

I’m going to start thinking it through so it becomes a conscious decision again.

That’s why a program.  That’s why I spend the money to drink the shakes and stop eating the bad stuff.  I’m retraining my body.  I have to have that discipline in my life for a while as I teach my body the good habits it once knew.  When I’ve learned, I’ll take off the training wheels and I’ll be fine.  If I slip, I know where to get more shake mix.

Sorry for all the drama yesterday – sorta.  I think we need to be honest with each other on how this really feels.

I’m not sure who’s out there reading this – I hope it helps you.  Taking the time to sit down and try to explain to you, to have to think it through enough that I feel I’m communicating what I’m going through – well…

I appreciate you listening.  It’s really helped.  🙂

Faith and Fear
March 26, 2010, 10:15 am
Filed under: Inspiration | Tags: , , , ,

I’ve been giving yesterday’s post a lot of thought.  I’m really tempted to delete it, but I’ll leave it.  Maybe there’s others out there that can relate.  I hope I’m not the only one…

My thinking as I drove home and back to work this morning revolved around this basic concept – it’s in my mind, it’s in my head, why do I think I can’t control this?

It occurred to me that maybe I’ve given my body too much control over my mind for too long, and my mind actually thinks my body is the boss of it!  Maybe by drinking the shakes, by overcoming those setbacks that I do have, maybe I’m strengthening the mind and subjecting the body back to my will.

This brought up another thought – I’ve learned that faith and fear cannot reside in the same mind.  When I learned that it was in a spiritual context, but I think it has universal application.

I sit here now, at the same desk, same keyboard, but with faith that I can do this, I feel so different.  I can only describe it as personal power.  I can write about the fear I was feeling yesterday, but the actual feeling is far from me.  I have faith.  Fear is gone.

Yesterday I had fear.  Faith was nowhere to be seen.

So faith it is.  I’ll picture it in my mind until my heart can feel it, then move forward with faith that my talent and initiative will find a way to make this happen.  The circumstances that surround me will move together for my good.  Today I can feel it…

…stepping forward into the light…

March 25, 2010, 5:13 pm
Filed under: isagenix, Nutrition | Tags: , , , , , ,

I have to tell you right up front, this one is a tough one to write.  I’m hoping by writing about it I can get a grasp on what is happening.  So you, my dear reader, are my digital therapist.  Once I spill it you can leave a comment solving my problem, giving me new “tools” to cope with it, and then send me an invoice.


We’ve taught the kids to cook.  My youngest is 14 now, oldest still living at home is 20.  Four of them, all great cooks.  This works great for dinners, my wife only cooks a couple of times a week for dinner, the rest of the nights one of the kids is in charge of cooking it.  I hope it serves my children well for the rest of their lives.

Now here’s the downside.  One of them will come home from school, decide the snacks available are not satisfactory, and they will whip up a batch of cookies.  Not a small batch, they usually double the recipe.  So I walk in and the house smells like fresh cookies, and there are four or five dozen fresh cookies on the counter, and a bowl of cookie dough…

Can I just say here that cookies are my weakness?  They are.  I can easily eat four dozen, maybe more.  This is not an exaggeration.

So I come home, there’s cookies, there’s dough.  I eat some.  I can live with that.  It only happens a couple of times a month.  I’ll get through it.

The issue comes three days later…

I get up in the morning and go into the pantry to get my Isagenix shake supplies.  While I’m in there I have to look down so I don’t step on the potatoes, and as I look back up what do I see?  Well you’ve probably guessed – it’s a giant plastic storage tub with the rest of the cookies in it…

Do you watch Survivor?  Have you seen what those people act like when they have been out for 20 days and see a cookie, or a Coke, or a hot dog?  That’s me standing in the pantry staring at my new found secret like some sort of Pavlovian dog…

If I had been walking for a week in the desert, came upon a table with cookies, and knew that I had to walk another week before I saw food again – it’s kind of like that.

But really, and here’s the most disturbing thing for me to admit, I’m not sure it’s about scarcity.  I guess in my mind I think (more like feel, these aren’t conscious thoughts, just gut instinct reaction) “If I don’t eat these now, there won’t be any later.  Those BOYS will get them”.  Hmmm, that sounds like it’s scarcity huh.

I tell myself “just drink the shake, you’ll be fine once you get the shake in you”.

I walk out of the pantry, shake supplies in one arm, the cookie bin in the other.  Before the shake is done, EIGHT cookies have gone into me.  And I don’t understand why.  It’s frustrating enough that I can feel the hurt and disappointment as I type about it.

So before my day begins, before I even have one sip of good nutrition, I’ve put a bazillion calories in me.  Empty, non-nutritious, DELICIOUS calories.  I can’t even say “I’ll work it off at the gym” because I can’t go right now

And I feel like my day is blown before I even get started.

Other times I’ll hide the food (usually some sweet “found” snack) and sneak off to my room, my office, my car where I can eat without anyone seeing.  I plan trips so I have to stop by a convenience store to get gas, and 4 for $2 candy bars.  I eat them all.  They might be the last ones I ever get to eat in my whole life – remember these are feelings, not rational thoughts.

Man that’s hard to admit in public.  My actions are like some kind of insane person who may never get to eat this kind of stuff again – so hoard it, eat it, before you head into the wilderness of bland tasting food/shakes for the rest of your days on this earth…

I know, it doesn’t have to all be bland.  But it feels like it has to be non-sweet, non-snack.  And I’m just so emotionally tied to that snacking.  Remember what I said about vending machines?  As soon as life gets tough, I’m looking for the snack.

So there you have it.  There’s the big rub.  There’s my giant fear when it comes to spending hundreds of dollars on specialty shakes to help me lose weight.  Because even when I’m “on the program” if I  discover hidden treasure I’m plundering like there’s no tomorrow.  If I can’t get that under control I don’t know how I’ll ever lose the weight.  I have little faith that if I do lose it, it will stay off.

And I don’t know where it comes from.  I don’t know why I feel that way.  I don’t understand why when my brain says “leave it alone” I end up with eight cookies in my mouth before breakfast.

How do I tell my brain that there is abundance, I don’t have to hoard/consume everything I accidentally find.

I think this whole issue is it…  the source of all my doubt as to whether I can really do this.  I just can’t trust myself.  That’s a sad commentary on where I’ve ended up.  I promise to keep looking for a way back.

A Really Great Isagenix Shake
March 18, 2010, 7:47 pm
Filed under: Humor, isagenix | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Follow this recipe carefully:

1 peeled banana
2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
1.5 cups vitamin D milk
2 cups vanilla bean ice cream
0 scoops Isagenix shake mix


A Technicolor Box of Vegetables
March 18, 2010, 4:17 am
Filed under: Nutrition | Tags: , , , , , , ,

I’m becoming really sensitive to the color brown. Have I talked about this before? Go to Wendy’s and look at the color of the stuff they give you on the tray. Brown. Some golden brown, some bunny (as in the bun on the sandwich) brown, some deep rich brown like the patty of mystery meat, some that chocolate brown of the frosty…

Just about anywhere you go they serve you brown. Deep fried brown.

Panda Express has been like that for me. I’ve been eating one “good” entree and Orange Chicken or Beijing Beef. I open the box and it’s brown. Brown chicken, brown beef. Delicious, but brown.

Then today they put up a new sign at the Panda Express I go to. First it announced instead of rice or chow mien I could have vegetables, and then there were six entrees listed that are under 250 calories each.

So I went for it. Vegetables, broccoli beef, mushroom chicken. I got back to my office and opened the box and it was in technicolor baby!

I mean it was a veritable feast for the eyes.

I did learn that you have to eat it fast, the vegetables don’t hold the heat as long as the brown. Wonder if there’s physics behind that somewhere… the color brown holds heat longer…  I’ll do some research.

Or not.

So I’m feeling better now. A box full of vegetables for lunch is going to be much better for me, my psyche, and my weight loss goals.

I thought you should know.

Those Darn Expectations

I watch the Biggest Loser.  I kind of live what I hope to accomplish in advance by watching them…  did that make sense?  Everything I see them do is what I picture in my future.  And when they have breakthroughs about their self-worth I realize how much I’ve suffered in that regard too, feelings of being ashamed of what I am getting in the way of me living life with joy and faith…

And I cry.  Yep.  Right there in front of the laptop (I watch on Hulu) I just let the tears run down my face.  As they realize they are great it reaffirms it to my soul too.  I am great.  Sometimes I forget.

But the show has a downside.  They lose HUGE numbers every week.  So I get it in my head that I’m going to lose double digits every week.

So I get on the scale on Saturday and I’ve lost 4-5 more pounds.  I’m devastated.  So overall that’s 13 pounds in two weeks.  Not bad.  Actually kind of great.  But that’s not how my brain saw it.

So Sunday I find myself facing fish sandwiches, pizza, a bag of candy, and more pop.  I know I’m not supposed to, but for some reason I just can’t seem to shake this craving.  I mean CRAVE.  I eat it, I feel sick.  The sugar in my system is draining my energy, I feel sluggish and heavy.  And I don’t care.  I want more…

Now this was kind of triggered by a pretty major emotional hit, my wife and I certainly not agreeing on a particular topic that is at the foundation of our lives.  So I grab my camera, take off to find photos, and end up stopping at every convenience store I see for the next five hours…

I know, I’m not happy about it either.

Then yesterday, the machine in the break room is calling my name like some beautiful voluptuous siren.  Pop tarts yesterday morning, cookies in the afternoon, then pie at home for family night refreshments last night.

So I’m thinking all of this through on the way to work today.  Thinking about it while I work.  How can the wheels just come off like that?

Here’s my working theory.  Four pounds.  I had big expectations, I came up way short, I voted myself off of the ranch.  Subconsciously I think if I can’t be a hero why even try.  So my mind releases all of the brakes that hold me back from what I know I don’t want, and I run into the mine field of Wendy’s ready to do myself some seriously great tasting harm.

It didn’t taste that great.  I didn’t get much out of it in the way of enjoyment.  Just the punishment of it all.

Man that sounds warped.

But I’m still going to the gym.

Still replacing two meals a day with shakes.

Still taking supplements.

Still feeling much better everyday.

Gotta keep those expectations in check…

“Let me know if I can help you”
March 11, 2010, 10:05 pm
Filed under: Humor, Working Out | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

So I’m at the gym this morning – I don’t want to be there.  No sleep last night until about 1:30–boy I’ll tell you the alarm goes off pretty early when that’s your bed time…

Then I wake up and my ankle and toe are swollen with arthritis, I can hobble but not walk.  Lovely.  I promised myself I was going to do this no matter what, so I drag myself down to the gym.

I get on the bike, it’s not bad after a while.  I listen to RadioLab podcasts, truly inspiring stuff.  So I’m digging it.

Then this guy comes in.  A pudgy guy.  The most obnoxious gum-chewer yet to walk this planet.  I have headphones in, but I can still “hear” him chewing he’s so over-the-top about it.  He jumps on a treadmill.  Walking at first, then fatboy breaks into a run.  And he runs, and runs, and runs.  It’s kind of mesmerizing, as his front foot is coming down all of his fat is moving up.  A visual symphony of opposing forces.

But he can run.

He can run.

It breaks my heart to see it.  I would love to be able to just turn on a treadmill and run.  I don’t care if I can only do it for 3 minutes at a time, I want to run.  But arthritic ankles have me on a bike instead.  So I watch him, chewing his gum in time to his running – wishing…

Now  it’s time to get off of my bike, one step and I remember my ankle.  I hobble up and down the hallway trying to coax my ankle into working again.  As I come back down the hall I notice another guy looking at me.

You know how they look at you, begging for eye contact.  Sigh.  So I look at him…

He’s younger than me I think.  About 6 feet 2 inches tall, pear shaped.  He’s wearing a baseball cap.  As he talks to me he takes it off to wipe his clearly bald head.  He starts off by saying “How are you?”.

I do my first double-take.  I think maybe I know him because of the familiar tone he used with me.  I don’t–never seen him before in my life.

“I’m OK” I say in a way that means I’m not really OK.

“You know”, he says, “I used to be your size, I know how it feels”.

I start laughing inside.  I’m an artist for a living, I’ve got a pretty good grasp of sizes, volumes, how things fit together.  Quickly in my mind I grab him with a mouse by one corner and do a shift-drag to scale him up to my height.  He’s still about my size!  But he’s clearly trying to reach out to me…

“You know”, he continues not noticing my size-comparing smirk, “if you ever need any help, I’m here for you”.

Now he gets a full on double-take from me…

He sees it and says “I know it’s a little strange, but I’ve been down your road, let me know if I can help.  I’m here all the time, just ask me”.

God love him.  I’m sure he’s lost a lot of weight and thought he was doing a good thing.  Between no sleep, a work out I didn’t want to do, watching fatboy run like I wish I could, and a body that seems to be bent on keeping me from accomplishing my goals just made it seem surreal to me.  “Just come talk to me, I’m here all the time”???  Crazy.

He didn’t tell me his name.  I didn’t ask.

P.S.  Sorry if this one seems mean.  That’s how it is sometimes, you know?

A different fit
March 9, 2010, 4:55 pm
Filed under: Inspiration | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Pulled on my jeans this morning, fresh from the laundry (thanks LeeAnn for doing that for me, I am grateful) and they just buttoned.

I pulled them up, braced for the stress of pulling the button and the button hole together around my waist, and there was no exertion needed.  They just buttoned.

Sitting in my car on the drive to work, my shirt hangs around me differently.  I can’t really put it into words, it just feels different.

I’ve been here before, the front end when the weight starts coming off.  Where you feel the difference but nobody can really see a difference yet.  This time I’m celebrating them.  I’m counting them as signs that I’m getting where I need to be.