Doug Losing Weight

Ok, I Guess It’s Bad For Me
April 8, 2010, 10:40 am
Filed under: Nutrition | Tags: , , ,

Off of Diet Coke again.

10:38 and I sure could use the kick that it provides.  Thinking of that sparkly, effervescent friend no longer a part of my life leaves me a little sad.

And water is just so boring compared to it’s party-in-my-mouth carbonation…


12:48 – Bring on the headache – oh yeah!

Oh, and one more thing
April 2, 2010, 10:18 am
Filed under: Nutrition | Tags: ,

I’m totally drinking Diet Coke again.  Christine’s going to flip.

Drank two giant Diet Cokes today

Did I tell you we have soda fountains here at work?  In the break room.

I went to the break room to get ice water – I could hear the siren song of the fountain calling to me…

They were delicious.  A couple of squirts of fake lemonade and that really good ice (we have a really good ice machine here too) and that sweet elixir pouring into my cup – the sweet song of escaping carbonation as it cascaded down the ice delighting my ears…

I haven’t had one for months, and it’s just so…  I feel so great after I drink one.  Caffeine?  It must be.  I’m alert, mood better, sun brighter, women prettier…

I’ll stop again now.

But man they were good.