Doug Losing Weight

More on Fear
April 8, 2010, 9:52 am
Filed under: Inspiration, Thoughts and Observations | Tags: , ,

Early in my career I had a trade show I was working in New York.  My travel agent booked me on a late flight, and my plane landed around midnight.  This was in the late 80’s, maybe early 90’s.  New York was a scary place, rumors of muggings were still the brunt of many a joke on TV and elsewhere.

There I was, a naive kid, flying into the big city by myself, in the dead of night.

I became aware on my hair raising cab ride to my hotel of how much fear we feel in our culture.  I wondered then what New York would feel like without any fear.  To simply walk the streets at that time of night with no concern, no worry, that was almost more than I could imagine at the time.  I wondered how people would treat each other in that kind of environment.

Over the years I’ve become increasingly aware of it – Fear.  It’s a huge sales tactic in our world.  Some bubble-headed bleach-blond pops onto our screen and tells us what is in our basement might be killing us, and encourages us to tune in at 10:00…

A guy knocks on our door with a vacuum in one hand and a sales pitch designed to make us fear that we are bad parents because there’s dirt in our carpet…

Radio instills all kinds of subtle fears into us – buy now before interest rates go up is the one that caught my ear this morning…

I have no tolerance for it.  Fear is a huge debilitating influence in our lives.  I’m almost certain we can’t even imagine life without fear.  Think of all the things you have wanted to do in your life, all the great things you were certain were within your grasp, or that you thought you might be  capable of if you just focused and tried – all brought to nothing through one fear or another.

So when I put in a CD from a company that I’ve “hired” to help me lose weight, to help me accomplish something in my life, and they start pumping fear.  Well, in case you didn’t read yesterday, I don’t react well to it.

So there’s some of the backstory.

I’ve learned that faith and fear can’t exist in the same mind at the same time.  Think of the ramifications of that.  If you are in fear, your mind is devoid of hope.  You become hopeless.  That hurts me all the way to my heart.  To think of me, and my terrific fellow human family walking around this planet without hope.  Breaks my heart.  I hope it’s not true.  I fear it is to a larger extent than should be.

So let’s keep track.  Let’s look inside and see when we are feeling hope, when we know we can do, and make a mental note how that feels.

Then when we lose hope, let’s try to see the fear that has driven it away.  I’ll bet if we can isolate that fear, put it in a bottle and turn it around and look at it, we’ll realize that the fear is pretty unrealistic.

Let’s take control…

The Isagenix Way – Selling Through Fear
April 7, 2010, 2:10 pm
Filed under: isagenix | Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

I haven’t listened to an entire CD that came with my first order – even once.  I tried again last night.  They are terrible.  I think they are trying to get me to buy into their program through fear.

I remember my first experience – I’m sitting there surrounded by $300 worth of their product, put in a CD to learn more about how to use it, and they start with the FEAR.  Be afraid of EVERYTHING – the water, the food supply, the dust mites, the men at the grocery store, that sweaty fat guy at the gym!  BE AFRAID!!!

Ummm, I just wanted to know what to drink and when.  What does a Metabolic Doubler do?  And when should I take them?  What is Ionix Supreme, and what is it supposed to do?  Pretty basic stuff…

But all I get is a full-on hardcore selling spiel on why everything in my world is poisoning me…

I don’t need that.  I click the “next” button on my CD player… the whole thing starts again at the beginning.

There’s only one track on the entire CD, so I have to scrub through to find the stuff that actually teaches me how to use the stupid products?  I don’t think so.

Isagenix is kind of a mickey mouse organization to me, with REALLY expensive products.  One of the CD’s they sent me was a recording of a phone call – through the phone receiver!  That and the fact they don’t know when to stop marketing and get to the real information gives me the feeling there’s no real strategy that considers how the end customer is using their product.

So I’m not sold on why I have to stick with them and their terribly expensive product.  I’m on my way to GNC on my lunch break to see about meal replacement shakes.  I’ll bet I can replace a meal with a shake for a LOT less than I’ve been doing it.


After Lunch:

Yep, a LOT cheaper.  The bottles I’ve been paying $75 for are $30 at GNC – and they have four flavors (instead of 2 at Isagenix), and they have buy one get the second half off until the end of April.  (no shipping charges on top of it either)

Oh, and they have a cleanse drink too, and a starter program that has you do a cleanse fast for a week before you start – and it comes with clear, easy to use printed instructions and no one-track, fear-mongering CDs…

I bought the shakes.  I’ll let you know what I think.

Faith and Fear
March 26, 2010, 10:15 am
Filed under: Inspiration | Tags: , , , ,

I’ve been giving yesterday’s post a lot of thought.  I’m really tempted to delete it, but I’ll leave it.  Maybe there’s others out there that can relate.  I hope I’m not the only one…

My thinking as I drove home and back to work this morning revolved around this basic concept – it’s in my mind, it’s in my head, why do I think I can’t control this?

It occurred to me that maybe I’ve given my body too much control over my mind for too long, and my mind actually thinks my body is the boss of it!  Maybe by drinking the shakes, by overcoming those setbacks that I do have, maybe I’m strengthening the mind and subjecting the body back to my will.

This brought up another thought – I’ve learned that faith and fear cannot reside in the same mind.  When I learned that it was in a spiritual context, but I think it has universal application.

I sit here now, at the same desk, same keyboard, but with faith that I can do this, I feel so different.  I can only describe it as personal power.  I can write about the fear I was feeling yesterday, but the actual feeling is far from me.  I have faith.  Fear is gone.

Yesterday I had fear.  Faith was nowhere to be seen.

So faith it is.  I’ll picture it in my mind until my heart can feel it, then move forward with faith that my talent and initiative will find a way to make this happen.  The circumstances that surround me will move together for my good.  Today I can feel it…

…stepping forward into the light…