Doug Losing Weight

My Two-year Old Taste Buds

I think my taste buds are still two years old.  They want to be entertained – and if they aren’t entertained they throw a fit!

I ate my box of vegetables today for lunch, and finished with the fortune cookie.

Shouldn’t have done that.  My taste buds were entertained for a split second (a little longer, I didn’t inhale it) and THEY.  WANTED.  MORE.

You should have seen the calisthenics my brain started going through, running through all the possibilities of where I could get more cookies to entertain the little brats.  Another fortune cookie (Panda Express just sets them out next to the register), maybe three cookies at Subway (right next to PE), oh, wait, I have cash and there are cookies in the machine in the break room!  Maybe if I walked a certain way back to work the cookie shop in the mall would be giving out samples…

I realize my body doesn’t need it, I’m not hungry, but my taste buds are SO BORED – they just want to have some fun, is that so wrong?

Still considering Diet Coke – the little buggers love Diet Coke with lemon – entertains them for hours.  But really, it only serves to spoil them more.  They are simply going to have to learn to do without.

Talked with my good friend Genea yesterday, she’s doing a fast/cleanse.  Told me she’s feeling great.  I wonder if something like that helps to settle the two year olds down to more manageable energy levels…

But thinking about it in that way, spoiled kids in my mouth demanding to be entertained, helps me think these cravings through.  I’m really good at saying no to kids that are on the verge of being spoiled, just ask any of my kids!  Oh yeah, I’m mean.  Demanding personal responsibility, tearing down any sense of entitlement when I see it…

The taste buds have been entitled too long.  Time to get them back under control!

No Cash = Self Control
March 18, 2010, 8:54 pm
Filed under: Humor, Nutrition | Tags: , , , , ,

Sometimes I swear I’ll die if I don’t get a cookie.

When the vending machines in the break room start accepting credit cards, I’m screwed.