Doug Losing Weight

Another Gym Encounter
April 20, 2010, 1:27 pm
Filed under: Inspiration, Thoughts and Observations | Tags: , , , , , , ,

I love riding bikes.  In the olden days, back when I thought I was fat but really wasn’t at all, I would ride my real bike many miles everyday because I just loved it.  One of my favorite things to do was climb hills.  I would ride up Little Cottonwood canyon as far as I could, and then zip down the hill feeling great about my climb.  Made it to Snowbird a couple of times…

So at the gym you’ll find me climbing hills on my stationary bike.  The one I prefer has a monitor, so I can see fake terrain going by.  When I get done my legs almost don’t work, so I know I’ve done it right.  I wish there was a hill to coast down at the end while my legs recover.

Yesterday I’m climbing the hill, listening to RadioLab podcasts from WNYC, and in walks this woman that is the picture of fitness.  Five foot 7 or 8 inches, slim, strong.  Kind of what I’d like to be when I grow up.  She gets on the stair stepper in front of me with a People magazine, and starts to climb.  She’s flipping through the magazine, reading articles, like she’s waiting in a Dr’s office or something.  She made it look easy.  According to my time frame, she was there about ten minutes, she assured me it was twenty, but what do I know?  I was climbing a mountain…

When I finished the climb I went and found her – I wanted to know what her nutrition habits were like.  I was praying that she wouldn’t tell me all she ate was carrots and raw venison.  I wasn’t disappointed.

She told me she eats pretty healthy most of the time – it sounded like a great portion of her diet (I don’t mean the “losing weight” kind of diet here, I mean the “here’s what I eat on a regular basis” kind of diet – we really need a new word here) was made from scratch, was whole food kinds of foods – either that or she was very picky about what kinds of food she buys.  She mentioned that Subway was a great place for her – she sticks to wheat bread, turkey, and tons of veggies.

We talked about my quest.  How I had learned to eat as a young man when I was very active, and then continued to eat the same way while my lifestyle got more and more sedentary.  She said she had to work hard after having babies to get back to the shape she was in (just amazing shape, did I mention that?  She just looked so healthy), so she could relate to how hard it is to get it to come off.

But she said her secret was to know when she had gone too far.  She loves to eat popcorn and have a Coke at the movies.  She does that with no guilt, but she knows she needs to scale back on the eating the next day, and go 45 minutes on the stair stepper too.  She told me she never really counts it out, kind of knows what she needs to do because her body will tell her.

She told me not to be discouraged.  She told me I might not get to 5 foot 8 and 120 pounds, but I could accomplish my goal–just to stick with it.  That was cool of her.

So I think about her (nope, didn’t even ask her name) and what she said.  Maybe I just need to calm down and stay the course, and learn to listen to my body more…

Although many times my body is certain it needs cookies – a LOT of cookies.

Starting Again
March 31, 2010, 11:10 pm
Filed under: Humor, Working Out | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Well the big dog antibiotics are done – so back to the gym I go.

I get there yesterday morning and the ONE bike that works for me has another fanny on it already…

You see, when you are 6’7″, and in the 390 neighborhood, there’s lots of things that ‘should’ fit, that really don’t.  Most of the machines at my gym are in this category.  So it’s one bike, or a treadmill.

Now I’m about to quote a sign that I read over and over while I eat lunch in the food court – really, if you can’t believe food court signs, what can you believe?

It’s a public service ad from the National Arthritis Foundation – or something like that.  I guess I don’t read that part very much.  But what I DO read is the fact that every extra pound I have puts an additional 4 pounds of pressure on my knees and ankles.  So to reduce arthritis pain I should move more, and lose weight.

So I figure my ankles and knees are absorbing 560 more pounds of pressure than they are designed to handle.  Really, when you put it like that (or when I put it like that) it’s pretty remarkable how much the human body can endure isn’t it?

So yesterday when I get on the treadmill and walk almost a mile in 20 minutes, well that’s a fair amount of steps coming down on some ankles and knees that haven’t done anything for 10 days.  Do I have to tell you what getting up this morning felt like?

I got to the gym, and my bike was free, so I could do my thing on the bike.  My knees and ankles were so sore that I had to do a little tiny 8 month old baby workout (it’s a setting on the bike, I was surprised too) and then I hobbled back down the stairs, out to my car, and on with my day.

Here’s the happy ending.

About 2:00 today, I realized my ankles had stopped hurting!  I got up and walked around the office and I felt so good!  Strong!  My muscles felt like running, my ankles and knees had no pain, my feet felt great too!

That sign in the food court was right!  Moving, and continuing to move seems to help my arthritic pain in my joints and feet.

I’m very happy about that – it’s not the first time I’ve realized it, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it work AND read it on a sign in a food court.  I thought it was worth remarking over.

“Let me know if I can help you”
March 11, 2010, 10:05 pm
Filed under: Humor, Working Out | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

So I’m at the gym this morning – I don’t want to be there.  No sleep last night until about 1:30–boy I’ll tell you the alarm goes off pretty early when that’s your bed time…

Then I wake up and my ankle and toe are swollen with arthritis, I can hobble but not walk.  Lovely.  I promised myself I was going to do this no matter what, so I drag myself down to the gym.

I get on the bike, it’s not bad after a while.  I listen to RadioLab podcasts, truly inspiring stuff.  So I’m digging it.

Then this guy comes in.  A pudgy guy.  The most obnoxious gum-chewer yet to walk this planet.  I have headphones in, but I can still “hear” him chewing he’s so over-the-top about it.  He jumps on a treadmill.  Walking at first, then fatboy breaks into a run.  And he runs, and runs, and runs.  It’s kind of mesmerizing, as his front foot is coming down all of his fat is moving up.  A visual symphony of opposing forces.

But he can run.

He can run.

It breaks my heart to see it.  I would love to be able to just turn on a treadmill and run.  I don’t care if I can only do it for 3 minutes at a time, I want to run.  But arthritic ankles have me on a bike instead.  So I watch him, chewing his gum in time to his running – wishing…

Now  it’s time to get off of my bike, one step and I remember my ankle.  I hobble up and down the hallway trying to coax my ankle into working again.  As I come back down the hall I notice another guy looking at me.

You know how they look at you, begging for eye contact.  Sigh.  So I look at him…

He’s younger than me I think.  About 6 feet 2 inches tall, pear shaped.  He’s wearing a baseball cap.  As he talks to me he takes it off to wipe his clearly bald head.  He starts off by saying “How are you?”.

I do my first double-take.  I think maybe I know him because of the familiar tone he used with me.  I don’t–never seen him before in my life.

“I’m OK” I say in a way that means I’m not really OK.

“You know”, he says, “I used to be your size, I know how it feels”.

I start laughing inside.  I’m an artist for a living, I’ve got a pretty good grasp of sizes, volumes, how things fit together.  Quickly in my mind I grab him with a mouse by one corner and do a shift-drag to scale him up to my height.  He’s still about my size!  But he’s clearly trying to reach out to me…

“You know”, he continues not noticing my size-comparing smirk, “if you ever need any help, I’m here for you”.

Now he gets a full on double-take from me…

He sees it and says “I know it’s a little strange, but I’ve been down your road, let me know if I can help.  I’m here all the time, just ask me”.

God love him.  I’m sure he’s lost a lot of weight and thought he was doing a good thing.  Between no sleep, a work out I didn’t want to do, watching fatboy run like I wish I could, and a body that seems to be bent on keeping me from accomplishing my goals just made it seem surreal to me.  “Just come talk to me, I’m here all the time”???  Crazy.

He didn’t tell me his name.  I didn’t ask.

P.S.  Sorry if this one seems mean.  That’s how it is sometimes, you know?