Doug Losing Weight

Learning to Watch TV
May 6, 2010, 1:33 pm
Filed under: Inspiration, Thoughts and Observations | Tags: , , , ,

Ok, that’s not totally honest.  I don’t watch a TV any more – I’m consuming all of my video programming over the internet. – ever heard of it?

Here’s my beef with the Biggest Loser.  They edit it.

Well, I don’t really want to watch ALL of the footage, but they cut some pretty crucial information from the show.

Have you noticed that we have no idea what these people are eating?  My guess is it’s an astounding amount of calories – if they are working out as much as I think they are working out, and for as big as they are, they might be eating 4,000 – 5,000 calories a day.  That’s going to mislead a lot of people, lead to law suits, I get that.

Have you noticed we never have any idea of the lingering pain after the work outs?  We see Jillian and Bob just wailing on the poor fat people in the gym, screaming “last chance workout” a lot, and then we cut to non-sweating people talking calmly to the camera.  You have to watch very carefully to catch the clues to what’s really happening.

For instance, watch whenever they show a full body shot – like when they are walking to the weigh-ins.  They usually do it in slow motion, and cut fast, so look quickly!  So many of these people are wearing ice packs.  Knees, ankles, elbows, if you watch you can see – these people are in pain.

For a fat guy I consider myself in pretty good shape.  My blood pressure is great, no diabetes, none of that scary stuff they have on the BL.

In fact, I can pretty much guarantee I can beat you pretty handily at racquetball.  I move pretty good, and I’ve got a great aim.

But after racquetball, it’s days before I can walk right again.  Treadmill walking/running is just brutal on my knees and ankles.  I wake up and they are swollen, the tendons are tender, it hurts.  I wish I had trainers around to ice me down…

So I’m just saying.  This process I’m going through hurts.  Besides hurting my back lifting incorrectly, my joints that take the beating hurt just about all the time.

Even riding a stationary bike, although much better than a treadmill, will leave my aching and having a hard time going back down the stairs at the gym.

I’ve tried to cut back on the whining on my blog here – realizing that victim mentality I had moved me to a new place mentally about all of this.  But at the same time I think it’s important to let you know – this hurts.

Hurts so good.  Feels like I’m getting somewhere finally.  That rocks.

Starting Again
March 31, 2010, 11:10 pm
Filed under: Humor, Working Out | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Well the big dog antibiotics are done – so back to the gym I go.

I get there yesterday morning and the ONE bike that works for me has another fanny on it already…

You see, when you are 6’7″, and in the 390 neighborhood, there’s lots of things that ‘should’ fit, that really don’t.  Most of the machines at my gym are in this category.  So it’s one bike, or a treadmill.

Now I’m about to quote a sign that I read over and over while I eat lunch in the food court – really, if you can’t believe food court signs, what can you believe?

It’s a public service ad from the National Arthritis Foundation – or something like that.  I guess I don’t read that part very much.  But what I DO read is the fact that every extra pound I have puts an additional 4 pounds of pressure on my knees and ankles.  So to reduce arthritis pain I should move more, and lose weight.

So I figure my ankles and knees are absorbing 560 more pounds of pressure than they are designed to handle.  Really, when you put it like that (or when I put it like that) it’s pretty remarkable how much the human body can endure isn’t it?

So yesterday when I get on the treadmill and walk almost a mile in 20 minutes, well that’s a fair amount of steps coming down on some ankles and knees that haven’t done anything for 10 days.  Do I have to tell you what getting up this morning felt like?

I got to the gym, and my bike was free, so I could do my thing on the bike.  My knees and ankles were so sore that I had to do a little tiny 8 month old baby workout (it’s a setting on the bike, I was surprised too) and then I hobbled back down the stairs, out to my car, and on with my day.

Here’s the happy ending.

About 2:00 today, I realized my ankles had stopped hurting!  I got up and walked around the office and I felt so good!  Strong!  My muscles felt like running, my ankles and knees had no pain, my feet felt great too!

That sign in the food court was right!  Moving, and continuing to move seems to help my arthritic pain in my joints and feet.

I’m very happy about that – it’s not the first time I’ve realized it, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it work AND read it on a sign in a food court.  I thought it was worth remarking over.