Doug Losing Weight

Holy Fat Rolled in a Tortilla Batman!
May 6, 2010, 1:23 pm
Filed under: Nutrition | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Ok, this calorie tracking is teaching me big things.

Did I mention I hurt myself this morning?  (I did)  The result of moving slower because I was hurt meant I left the house slower, no time for a breakfast shake.

So I stop by McDonald’s for two sausage burritos.  Two can’t hurt can they?

This is going to be really good for me.  My fat and cholestorol are shot for the day (the fat will come back into line with a couple of apples and non-fat foods before the day is over) – my but that McDonalds food is bad for you.

And can I just say how nice it is to enter my exercise and have the site recommend how much more I can eat in a day?  So.  Nice!

I think I’ve been eating way too little – when I get a good workout in I’m burning tons of calories, and when I only eat 1500 calories in a day, and burn 600 in a workout…  no wonder I’m grouchy.

It’s been great so far.  The first 7 days are free – I think I’m hooked.

Oh, one more thing.  The site has improved a ton since I used it a couple of years ago.  It’s easy to use, and pretty intuitive.  They’ve really streamlined food entry, and improved the graphics.  Great stuff.

Here’s the link again if you want to check it out…

Walking Like an Old Man
May 6, 2010, 11:18 am
Filed under: Working Out | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Feeling rushed at the gym, I hurried through my work out so I could make it to an early meeting at work this morning.

Lifting heavy – in a hurry – not a good idea.

Tweaked my lower back.  The longer I sit, the stiffer it gets.  So when I finally stand up, I look like I’m imitating an old man.  Hmmm – wonder how much of that is imitation and how much of that is truth.

So when in a hurry – lift lighter.  When lifting, never ever forget your form.

Then you won’t have to walk like I am today.

First Day Counting
May 5, 2010, 6:55 pm
Filed under: Nutrition

Wow – just filled out today’s food consumption – even cheating it’s SO MUCH better than I would have imagined. That’s so good to know!

Time to Start Counting
May 5, 2010, 6:42 pm
Filed under: Nutrition, Thoughts and Observations | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Ok.  One more week closer to the end of the Biggest Loser, and I heard it again.  In fact, of the whole show I remember them being so inspirational to the participants in the 5k, and this one quote…

“You have to count every calorie that goes into you”.

Bob was talking to a woman that needed to lose five more pounds to get to her goal, but it seems like every time I watch the show, I hear that phrase in one way or another.

Generally I’ve found in life that when one certain thing keeps making itself “heard”, keeps making itself manifest to me, it tends to be an answer to some question I have, or don’t know I have yet…

Did that make sense?

Well my delete key is broken, so I’m not going to edit it.  But what I’m saying is I think the fact that I keep hearing “count calories” in my life, and I’m on this quest to find a way to lose this weight…  well I’m taking it as a sign.

I think I’ll go back to and pay the $9 a month.  I don’t love it, but I hate everything else I’ve tried.  In the past it’s helped to regulate my food intake when I’m keeping track of everything going into me.  At least I can go back and see my history and where I need to do better.

I know what you’re thinking – c’mon Doug, can you really count calories for the rest of your life?

I hear you.  The way I see it is I need to really slow down, take a look at what I’m doing, and start to form some new habits.  Once the new habits are formed, I’ll take off the training wheels and try to live like a big boy again.

Until then, I start logging what I eat.

Now what would really be interesting is if I could take a Facebook approach to this.  That is publish my food diary for the world to see.  I wonder if I’d think twice about those pop tarts when I knew that all four of you that read this would see it –

I suppose I could just add it to the blog, but that would be a pretty intensely boring blog I must say…

Off to log my calories for the day…

Four More Notches
May 4, 2010, 10:49 am
Filed under: Inspiration, Thoughts and Observations, Weighing In | Tags: , , , ,

I dropped by the shoe shop yesterday.  For the last three weeks I’ve been living in fear of my pants dropping around my ankles.  It was time to upgrade the belt.

I have the guy just put more holes in it, so I can kind of  watch the progress.

I mentioned to him that I wasn’t sure if my body was smaller, or the belt had stretched bigger.  He asked how many new holes I wanted, I told him five.

He punched the holes, I paid him my dollar and put the belt back on.  I cinched it up to the fourth new hole – probably a three inch difference.  He asked if I wanted more holes – I decided that I enjoyed the process of coming in to celebrate my body changing.

He mentioned as I left that it’s hard to stretch a piece of leather three inches.  Then he grinned at me – I appreciated that.

The scale still is locked at the 392 number, but I am starting to feel different.  When I move it seems easier, like I’m lighter.  It’s hard to explain, but I’m digging it.

Another Sign of Weight Loss?
May 4, 2010, 10:43 am
Filed under: Thoughts and Observations

A few weeks ago I interviewd Kit about her struggles with anorexia – I posted it on my other blog People Story Network.

She said something that I’ve been thinking about.  She said when your body is losing weight it gets cold – that she felt cold all the time when she was suffering from her disease.

I think about that as I sit here in my cubicle with a sweater on.  I used to drink ice water all the time, now it’s just water.  The ice water makes me so cold I can barely type or use my mouse.  Since that’s how I make my living, I kind of need to stay warm enough to at least mouse!

So I wonder if that’s what I’m experiencing?  The scale indicates that I’m not losing weight at all.  But I’m cold a lot more, and my body is certainly changing shape…

The Routine
May 3, 2010, 9:37 am
Filed under: Thoughts and Observations

My son came home a week ago – he’s been in England for two years on an LDS mission. Guess how we celebrated.

Food. Sigh.

Then I flew to Pittsburgh on Monday to film a video. Guess what the best part of travel is (especially business travel).

Food. Sigh.

We work hard all day, and head into the unknown to find a place to eat at night. I try to make good decisions (salmon the first night) but when I’m tired my resolve dissolves.
Sleeping in a hotel just doesn’t work well for me. Actually, knowing I’m in a place where I have to show up in order for a $1500/day crew to be able to work – that weighs on me all night. I set two alarms, but I still wake up every 45 minutes – two hours wondering if I’ve overslept.
So by the third night – I’m trashed. I stopped by a convenience store and bought diet coke, chips, and snack cakes for dinner, and at them ALL. Fell into a dead sleep because I didn’t have to be awake until noon to catch my flight…

So now I realized that being tired is bad for my self-control… my commitment to be different.

Still lifting hard. Love that feeling of muscles that have worked. That quivering shaky feeling that happens until I get some protein into me. So I’m enjoying my time at the gym more now.

Oh yeah, another problem with travel. Hampton Inns don’t have any kind of exercise, and after being on my feet for 12 hours going for a walk to exercise just didn’t appeal to me for some reason…

Victim Mentality

Biggest Loser had a pretty profound effect on my last night.

There’s a girl on there, she’s blue.  See how great I am with names?  I looked it up, her name is Victoria.  The show shows her running sprints one day – she kept grabbing the edge of the treadmill and jumping off.  Jillian wasn’t going to let her go until she did it correctly.  It took her two hours to finally do it.

Next day.  Jillian tells her she’s going to run sprints next to every person there while they run sprints.  She has to do 35 sets of sprints where the day before she could barely do five.  Know what?  She did it!  She broke through and did it physically.  But after she was done she was almost morose, almost pouting.  I couldn’t understand it.  Neither could Jillian.

Jillian pulls her aside and says, in essence, “You should be celebrating a huge accomplishment in your life, but you’re acting like you’ve been punished, like you’re in trouble.  You’re acting like you’re a victim here”.

BAM!  Tears are running out of my eyes.  Victoria is telling Jillian how she never feels like she’s good enough, at anything.  That hits a deep chord with me – a huge chunk of what makes me tick right there in one sentence.  I never feel like I’ve done it “right”, that I’m good enough to be loved, to be admired, for people to look up to me.  It affects my life as a father, my spirituality, my career, as a husband – well, you get it.  My whole life I’m fighting this sickening fear, this whispering underneath all the confidence and accomplishment–”you’re not good enough”.

Of course, last night, sitting on my bed with my laptop watching Biggest Loser on Hulu, I don’t really know any of this.  I just know I’m crying.  Something has hit something deep within me.

I woke up this morning realizing the “why”.

The corollary to this is the realization that I’m going to the gym, that I’m eating every meal in “victim mode”.  Like I’m being punished for my past sins of gluttony.  Sackcloth and ashes riding a stationary bike, doing penitence for my sins.

I woke up this morning and realized that’s bullshit.  Sorry.  That’s what I thought.

That coupled with my chat with the skinny/strong lady at the gym, and Bob saying that we find our barriers, we break through, and we set bigger goals feels like my breakthrough.

I started strength training.  I’ve been avoiding it because it adds weight when I add muscle.  Let it be.  I LOVE lifting heavy weight, feeling my muscles screaming as the lactic acid builds.  That shaky feeling when you finally drop the weight and blood flow is restored to the muscle.  It’s so great!

I love it. I deserve to do stuff I love.  I’m doing it.

Then on the bike, every time my legs started aching, instead of shifting to a lower gear to release the pain, I pedaled harder.  Listening to Nickelback, pedaling to the beat.  Seeing my muscles aching as a barrier to break through, to smash!  I kicked my butt!  In twenty minutes I went 7 miles – mostly uphill.  A new record for sure.  I’m breaking it tomorrow.

I’m not a victim.  I’m taking back my life!  I’m not robbing myself of food that tastes good, punishing myself, I’m eating food that will enable my body to regain that life sooner.  I’m doing those things because I CHOOSE.  I am in control here.

It’s been a good 12 hours.

And while we’re at it.  Screw the scale.  If I feel better, if I break through new barriers every day, if I lift heavier weights and feel my body getting stronger–it is enough.  The scale will comply to my goals in time.

Watching Biggest Loser
April 20, 2010, 9:54 pm
Filed under: Thoughts and Observations | Tags: , , , ,

They talk about the “reason” a lot – how they need to realize they are capable, worthy of being better.

It makes for great TV – I wonder how important it really is.

A girl just decided that it’s worth fighting for, that fighting for her place in the house, and in life, is worth it because she’s worth it.

I wonder if I feel like it’s worth it.  If I’m worth it.

It seems like having that kind of inner drive, inner fight to not accept the status quo any more would blast through a lot of what I’ve been whining about – the donuts and cookies wouldn’t call to me if I had the drive to really be something better.

So many of the contestants have personal worthiness issues.  They just seem to wake up, to break through to a place where they know they are worth it.  That’s an interesting thing to me.  I think I need to think that through a little more – or a lot.

Jillian “to be successful you have to figure out what the root of your self-destructive behaviors is”.

“Find your limits and push past them, then set even bigger goals”

“You’ll never win unless you meticulously count every calorie”

I heard myself say this
April 20, 2010, 4:36 pm
Filed under: Thoughts and Observations | Tags: , , , ,

Talking with a friend:

“I think it comes down to the fact I like eating more than losing weight”.

Houston, we have a problem.