Doug Losing Weight

Still Not Sure What to Say
June 28, 2010, 12:49 pm
Filed under: Thoughts and Observations | Tags:

I know this is here – this little blog to my failure.  This monument to my inability to get the job done.

I think “I should go blog about being fat”. But really, what is there to say?

I avoid scales, I don’t avoid good food.  I don’t think it will be much of a surprise when I get on the scale that I’m equal to or greater than my starting weight.


I wish I could feel something.  My brain thinks of all the reasons why I “should” do this.  My heart can’t feel it.  Maybe it will be one of those poetic stories of really finding the motivation once it’s too late.  One of those cautionary tales that people relate to fat people all the time trying to motivate us through the misfortune and shortsightedness of others…

Patti, one of my blog readers, suggested I just do it.  Don’t wait to feel it, just do it.  I thought that was the dumbest thing I had ever heard in my life when I read it.  (hang in there Patti it’s coming back around)  I am an artist don’t-cha-know!  I only do things that MOVE me.  I am not one of those poor left-brained bastards that you simply program and send on their way into the world…

Maybe it’s time I was.  Maybe there IS something to just doing it.  (Don’t you hate it when some marketing jugernaut takes a saying and completely ruins it – every time I type that phrase, every time I THINK about typing that phrase I think of tennis shoes.  Stupid marketers mucking up my blog post with their implanted ideas)…

Where was I – oh yes.  Just doing it.

I’m experimenting with tele-commuting.  The company that runs the parking garage under the Gateway has many misguided notions about how to treat fellow human beings (that is to say “they suck”).  I’m not giving them another dime.

Plus I was driving to a cubicle (with a fabulous view mind you) but nobody on my team was there.  I still communicated through texts, email, conference calls.  Why am I spending money to do this?  So my boss agreed to a trial of me working from home…

My point?  Well I suppose I should get to it.

With this big change in my life comes 3 hours a day that I’m not spending driving/parking on the freeway/parking for real.  I have some time.  It’s like a $5 bill you find in an old pair of pants – the mind boggles at the possibilities…

So maybe I just start doing it.  Maybe I spend some of this found time focusing on what will eventually make me happier.  I have no doubt it will – just wish I could feel it now. You know?

That’s a LOT of typing for a guy who wasn’t sure what to say