Doug Losing Weight

So Here’s What Disturbs Me (well, one thing)
May 29, 2010, 1:46 am
Filed under: isagenix, Thoughts and Observations

The last Biggest Loser I watched is the one where they ran the Biggest Loser Marathon.

Did you see that Samoan guy from last season?  He’s put on 80 pounds I’d guess.

Did you see that kid from this season, he’s back home for a month and he’s recording footage of him bingeing at 1:00 in the morning because of stress, and he’s put 2 pounds back on in a month. (the same month he ran tons of miles to train for the marathon – you have to eat a ton of calories to counter that kind of running, and he did it!)

So six months of working out 8 hours a day is enough to change the outside, but not enough to change the inside.  I still maintain that if I figure out how to change the inside, the outside will take care of itself.  If I can find the secret key to turn inside my head, if I can link stress relief to another form – or if I can feel like I’m in control of my life by doing something else besides eating…  if I can figure out how to want to be active and feel great about life when I’m doing something other than working at a computer…

But that key is elusive.  I spent about $700 on Isagenix.  I knew going in it wasn’t going to work for me, but I thought if I went through the pain of spending that kind of cash…

No dice.  My inside is the same – and my outside is still fat.

I see my reflection in the glass storefronts of where I work, and I end up eating cookies because I feel so out of control…

Man, this is messed up.

You know what, I think this is the MAIN thing that disturbs me.  I don’t know how to change the inside.  I have had people tell me just do it, just change the outside and the inside will change.  My feeling is that isn’t so, and from what I’m seeing of fat former biggest loser contestants, I think they are proving I’m right.

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I agree with you. When I saw him start to run with Koli I was shocked. Wow, so many have put the weight back on. Yes there are some who don’t but there are a lot who have. And poor Daris, my heart broke when he was eating at night. It really does prove to be a head thing. I too wish I could figure it out because dieting is a band aid fix and it seems it eventually all comes back unless you are right in the head. For now I am trying to love myself for me. I struggle with being who I am. I feel like all I am is a mom, maid, and cook and I want so much to be a person of value.

Comment by julie Doddridge

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