Doug Losing Weight

I woke up mad…
February 1, 2010, 6:34 pm
Filed under: General Whining, Nutrition

18 months ago my ears started making a sound…

Well, ok, my ears don’t make a sound that YOU can hear, but I can.  It started like that sound that you hear when the pressure builds up when you’re driving up a mountain, or flying…  but it just got louder.  I went to get my hearing checked, hearing is great, I can hear the entire range of tones.

But everything in my world now has this white noise in the background.  My ability to hear conversations in crowds, or places with lots of ambient noise has really been affected.

So last night I’m on the aspartame web site link that Christine had sent me ( and it says that everything that I’m experiencing with my hearing has been linked to artificial sweeteners.  Are. you. kidding me?

So I’m mad.  I’m mad that so much of this is being consumed in our society.  It’s bad enough that I’m fat and having issues around all that, but then I believe the marketing that drinking a drink with no calories will be a good way to satisfy my sweet tooth and help me lose weight (where did I get that impression?  it’s not really the marketing message now, but it’s what was in my head) and it causes numbness in my feet and makes me lose my hearing?  I’m angry.  I cry foul.

I’ve been away from Diet Coke for about 2 weeks now – I keep the last can I drank in my cup holder in my car.  I’m revolted by it.  I can feel that chemical taste and the burn of the carbonic acid in my mouth when I look at it.  I want to burn that disgust deep into my psyche so I never go back there again.  That can has kind of become one of my spoils of this war…

I hope my body can cleanse the effect of this away.  I guess we’ll see in time.

If it ends up I’m just going deaf from old age and loud music, I’ll apologize to Diet Coke.  But we’re still broken up for good.

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